

Peacocks Breakfast

Thu 18 Jul 2024

“If you would eat well in England, you must breakfast three times a day.”  W Somerset Maugham

We are working out the best way to offer a breakfast menu at Peacocks. Our first step is this. We are offering a fixed menu only, starting at 9.30 - an hour before the tearoom opens fully - and so we can prepare we are inviting you to make reservations for our breakfast menu.

Reservations from 9.30 to 10.30 (last orders)
£20 per person

A pot of tea from our world-wide selection, or a cafetiére of our hand-roasted coffee, or a hot chocolate
And a glass of orange juice or our local apple juice

To Start
Peacocks Granola Special
(A glass of granola, fresh fruit, Greek yoghurt and a dash of maple syrup)


Porridge with honey

Followed by one of our cooked breakfast dishes

Croque Madame  - a favourite here:
a toasted ham (or mushroom) sandwich under béchamel cheese sauce, grilled, and topped with a free-range fried egg. (For breakfast we normally serve a smaller round version, but if you’d prefer the full sandwich size, just say).

Welsh Rabbit: toasted granary bloomer, topped with a Cheddar cheese & beer sauce seasoned with mustard and Worcestershire sauce, then grilled and served with Suffolk bacon.

Savoury Crumpets: toasted & topped with cream cheese & smoked salmon.

Brie & Bacon: toasted granary bloomer with Brie & snippets of Suffolk bacon and grilled.

Mushrooms on Toast: just as it says, or perhaps with fried or poached eggs.

Eggs as you like: local free-range eggs scrambled, fried or poached with smoked salmon or ham

Omelette: with fillings of your choice – things like ham, Cheddar, mushrooms, smoked salmon & tomatoes.

If you have room toast or a teacake or crumpets with jam, marmalade or honey

To book please email us at with your preferred date and your phone number